Sunday, September 25, 2011

Bring Your Kingdom

Here I am, world, in California at last! I'm all moved into my room, which I share with a wonderful girl named Carol. My parents came to drop me off/help move me in, but though they're here in California until Tuesday, they said good-bye today. (they're staying with my brother-in-law's family, who, along with him, live in town)

It's surreal, and emotional, and hard. Right now I'm listening to Owl City for the first time in my bedroom, and it feels so strange and, call me silly, almost inaugural. It's a foreshadowing of what's going to come, that many nights I might be doing the same thing; typing away at my computer and listening to music. Weird.

We had some really inspiring speeches by members of the faculty and staff (is that redundant?) of the school yesterday. It was good to remember that my focus at this school has to be Christ first, and then everything else will fall into place. Our society in the U.S. is so complacent. We're living in a world filled with muck and dung and we're ignoring it. The worst of us are even pretending to enjoy it, but that doesn't fulfill in the end, and they'll realize that.

Us film people at my school are going to be the ones jumping on the laps of all of these complacent people, and shouting in their faces to MAKE THEM LISTEN. We won't shut up; we won't ever shut up. People don't listen anymore. They don't want to hear the problems, about the pain, about the fact that babies are being killed every day and that there are 20 million people still slaves (literal slaves) in this world. They've got to hear it, though. We can't make a change by ourselves. We're meant to go out and get help.

I know a lot of people believe that the world is going to hell in a handbasket and that there's no hope for it. They write off the majority of humanity, our government, the media, and seem to think that if all that burned to the ground and we had room to start over, that would be the best way to change the world. To recreate it.

Maybe that would be easier. Maybe. Maybe it would be easier just to be good and follow God faithfully and just naysay that problems in the world. Probably. Yet that's not what I plan to do, nor what I think the rest of the world should do. We've got one world, and our goal should be to bring it to Christ. Not just to change it, for better or for worse. To bring it to Christ, to change hearts toward Him. To show the world that only Christ truly fulfills that gnawing gap inside everyone. To be missionaries in the world so that Christ can bring His kingdom.

I'm not saying that Christ couldn't do it without us, but He's not going to do it in the lives of people who don't love Him, don't care about Him, or flat-out reject Him. I want the world to know the love of Christ. I'm not going to write off the most sinful creatures humanity has to offer. I want to be an instrument of Christ, to be a part of His plan for the redemption of humanity.

Bring Your Kingdom, Lord!


p.s., I'm going to be posting a lot more now that I'm in college to keep people updated on my life. Stay tuned! :)