Saturday, September 25, 2010

Check it out! Check it out-Check it out-Check it out!

^Inspired by the check-it-out girls sketch on Sonny With a Change. :D

Guess what? Something that I made is being sold online! Hurray! And you (yes you!) can buy it for a great price of $5.20-- and that includes shipping.

Here is the item: A cute red flowered headband. I love these, and they are so fashionable right now. Even if they weren't, I'd love them!

The awesomest part about this whole venture is that it doesn't profit ME: it profits an independent student film called The Shadow of the Bear.

See, they don't have enough money to buy an editing program, so we, the fans of the movie, aRE stepping up to make some money for the film!

How are we selling everything? They have an Artfire Site where you can purchase lots of cool crafty things like my headband! There's scarves, earrings, hair accessories, and even a bar of soap!

I totally encourage you to go there. It's for an awesome cause. If you even just bought something for $5.00, it would really help. So do it!

The page for my flower is right here.

Thanks, everyone!


Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'm the kind of girl...

who dances as she weed-whips her grandma's lawn.

who sings as loud as she possibly can while working.

who makes up new lyrics for songs if they don't fit what she wants to say.

who will burst out laughing about five minutes after someone tells a joke because she didn't get it until then.

who cries really easily because she's passionate about alot.

who tries to stand up for what she believes in.

who is struggling to love others and live well.

I'm just that girl who doesn't act like she cares about anything, but thinks about what people say to the 20th degree. The girl who doesn't think about what she's said until after she's said it. The girl that wants to be fulfilled-- and forgets that Jesus is the one who can do it.

Still struggling to live well and do what God wants. Not anywhere close to perfect. Hopefully getting better.

That's just me.


Friday, September 3, 2010

Applause for the awesome chivalrous knight!

“Some say that the age of chivalry is past, that the spirit of romance is dead. The age of chivalry Is never past; so long as there is a wrong left underexposed on earth” -Charlies Kingsley


It's so rare to have a guy open a door for you, or offer you his seat. It's even more rare to have a guy do it for you that you don't know.

I don't know about you, but I love chivalrous men. It rocks my world when they step up and decide to be selfless for a girl rather than selfish. There aren't many of these guys that exist anymore. I mean, the whole idea of the culture seems to shout "ME! ME!", and so people aren't letting others go first and all that.

I was waiting for the bus yesterday to get home from college classes. It was around three pm, and there were ALOT of people waiting. Everyone was crowded together, and we got even closer (literally) as the bus rounded the corner and came down the hill. With that many people, I'm sure that people were wondering if they would all fit on the bus. The next bus would take fifteen entire minutes to get there after this bus left, and no one wanted to be left behind. I'm positive that being unselfish was on very few of the minds there. It wasn't exactly on the forefront of MY mind.

As the bus slowed down and squealed to a stop, I began to wonder why the guys in the crowd didn't let the ladies go first. Why, on the bus, they let the ladies stand up and sat in the seats themselves. It made me very depressed about the quality of our men.

Anyhow, we jostled along in line, and RIGHT before I was going to get on the bus (I was literally the next person), the bus driver said, "That's enough. We're full now."

I was crestfallen. How lame was that? To get so far and then....

But I couldn't complete my thought because, right in front of me, the last person cleared to be on the bus (a guy), turned and said to me, "You can take my seat. I'll wait for the next bus."

Whoa. That was a big deal. I was so, so thankful to this awesome gentleman. He got off the bus, but just as I was about to get on, the bus driver shut the door.

Lame ending for my fairytale with a chivalrous knight? Not so much. Cause while the bus roared away and neither of us got to take it, I was really touched by the fact that the guy had offered his place to me. His heart and manners were in the right place.

I thanked him and, while we waited, struck up a conversation with him. His name is Joe, and he's a music student.

Applause for Joe and chivalry! He made my day! Plus we had a great talk on a bus ride that would usually be boring and anti-social. :)
