Monday, October 19, 2009

Somewhere...Beyond the sea.

Or three streets down and to the left. A bookstore. A haven for the weird, the writersome, and the bookish. I love them. The prize birthday present? A giftcard to a bookstore.

So that's where I went to-night. Some people may have problems with having problems deciding what to get. You know, where they are exasperated that they're exasperated? ;) You get it.

But while I am so dang excited and not sure exactly which books to get while I'm at a bookstore, it never bothers me. In fact, I LOVE it that I have all of those marvelous choices. Ah! Bookstores are wonderful. Have I said that already? Let's say it again. I. Love. Bookstores. There we are!

Just browsing through the marvelous shelves upon shelves of books and opening up a crinkly new book and smelling that new-book smell. It's lovely. All in all, I had a lovely time tonight. If you want to make me happy, take me book-browsing/buying at a bookstore. I could stay in bookstores for hours. My chief problem in them is getting distracting by all of the interesting knick-knacks and books that are everywhere. Each book is like a happy, silent invitation! I love it.

So that was my night! It was great.




Hannah Nicole said...

Ahh...*breathes in deeply* I love books. And I especially love being able to buy them. Ahh...there is no better smell than a new book--fresh ink and crisp pages. Mmm...

Christina said...

Yes indeed! I love books too. They're just marvelous.