Friday, August 19, 2011

The One Who Lifts Us Up From the Grave

friday favorite things | finding joy

Friday favorites is something that I read over at Rachel Marie Martin's Blog-- Finding Joy.

I never thought I'd do one myself because I don't have amazing photography (like she does), and I figured I'd be too busy to grace the internet world with more than one post a week. Yet here I am, finding that I need to slow down and just realize what my favorite things are; just to stop and think and be thankful.

Burritos for dinner!

My mum makes really excellent burritos. These aren't them (I borrowed the picture off the internet), but they look very like these. They have a really delicious chili-tomato sauce in them, pinto beans, sour cream, cheddar cheese, and lettuce. She's making them for dinner tonight and I'm excited, because they're generally a birthday treat and it's not even anyone's birthday!

Google Chrome

I was once a hardcore Internet Explorer user. Then I discovered that the only reason I use it is out of habit and because it's conveniently pinned to my taskbar! Fie upon thee, Internet Explorer! I have unpinned you from my taskbar and put Google Chrome in your place (a browser, which, unlike you, saves posts if you accidentally hit the forward or backward button on your browser :) )

BBC Merlin

As I've said before, the BBC is excellent at putting out quality TV programs that have storyline, plot *coughunlikeUStelevisioncough*, and DON'T have that nasty gunk in it, such as sexuality and crude language. Sometimes it makes me think, sometimes it makes me laugh, sometimes it makes me cry. All in all, good things for a TV show to do for you.

Really great coworkers

That you can talk to about books, movies, things that you like. Coworkers you can joke with. I never thought I'd find a kindred spirit at work, but I think I've come close.


God is beautiful and wonderful. I feel so overwhelmed by life. At work, I struggle to please my managers and go fast, and when they call me out on going too slowly, I carry that with me and feel awful, and even start to beat myself up about it.

Then I remember: my worth does not come from how well I do at work, or how thorough or quick I am, but from God's love for me: and that's HUGE. Nothing I can ever do can take that away. Nothing.

Link up over at Finding Joy!



Marianela said...

Burritos are the best! ;) Love em!

Unknown said...

I'm addicted to google chrome, it's the best.

Rachel @ Finding Joy said...

Hooray for a fellow google chrome lover! It's totally my fave.

I'm going to have to check into that BBC Show -- because, yes, I'm totally agreeing with you about my US tv. Most of it? Junk. We typically only watch cable -- food network. And, oh yeah, the food network. :)

Thanks for the link up.
