Saturday, September 18, 2010

I'm the kind of girl...

who dances as she weed-whips her grandma's lawn.

who sings as loud as she possibly can while working.

who makes up new lyrics for songs if they don't fit what she wants to say.

who will burst out laughing about five minutes after someone tells a joke because she didn't get it until then.

who cries really easily because she's passionate about alot.

who tries to stand up for what she believes in.

who is struggling to love others and live well.

I'm just that girl who doesn't act like she cares about anything, but thinks about what people say to the 20th degree. The girl who doesn't think about what she's said until after she's said it. The girl that wants to be fulfilled-- and forgets that Jesus is the one who can do it.

Still struggling to live well and do what God wants. Not anywhere close to perfect. Hopefully getting better.

That's just me.


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