Saturday, December 25, 2010

Speaking ill of the Dead

You've probably all heard it, whether it was in real life, the movies, or on tv. "Don't speak ill of the dead!"

People are reluctant to talk badly of someone when they've died, because, naturally, they can't defend themselves. They're dead.

But what if the person was a jerk? What if they were totally awful during their life? I feel as though people only say nice things about them once they're dead. It seems hypocritical. They were ready to speak their mind about them when they were alive. Must they load on this fake complimentery or imagined praise on the person when they are dead?

It's a difficult subject. What do you say? That you're alright that they died, cause they're in heaven now? They were awful! How do you say that? Then, it doesn't seem right to say, "Yeah, they're burning in Hell now. Good riddance." People would brand you as callous forever.

The best thing I can think to do is to just keep silent. Lying isn't worth it, even to honor the dead. Be truthful in all things. That doesn't mean say EXACTLY what is on your mind; just to know when to speak and when not to.

Will this be perfect? Will this suffice? Who knows? It's my best solution, but things like this are tricky.

AND: I know this is a really, really weird subject to write about on Christmas, but the thought occurred to me after we ate dinner. I may bring it up again.

Just to end the post on a good note, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


Ben Hatke said...

Have you read Ender's Game? There's a sequel to that book called Speaker for the Dead that sort of asks some of those questions. You might like it?

Christina said...

No, I haven't read it. I'll see if I can find it in the library-- thanks for the suggestion!

Ben Hatke said...

Ohhh... Ender's Game is required reading for science fiction lovers. I actually didn't read it until college but I remember thinking "how could I have missed this?

Hey can you send me your email address? Send it to benhatke(at)

Christina said...

I've just found that the book is at my library and I'm going to get it on Friday. Hurray!