Tuesday, March 29, 2011

I was made to love.

That's why I was created. To love. To be loved. My purpose in life is to love my Creator.

Love takes many forms. It can be typical, like a kiss and a hug. It can be with words. It can be through service. But you know what? I think that every single action can be done with love. And if it is, then the action done fulfills the reason I was created.

I want to write with a spirit of love. To work hard on developing the talent God has given me and then, when people read what I've written, for them to come closer to God through it. Honestly, would that not be awesome? I can only imagine something like that happening with me.

I want to go to school and sit in the classroom and work hard with love in my heart. Not so that I'll look good. Not so that it's just finished already. Not so that I make my points and win all the arguments. Just with a heart that wants to love.

Every action done with love. I imagine the actions flowing out of me drenched with love.

Every single action. That's a LOT.

If I did it all the time, I'd be bone dry of all my love. And know what? I'd become bitter. Good thing I'm not using MY love, then! Not only! God is like a water pitcher! He fills me up. It's like I'm a hose and he's the pipes and then I can spray everyone whether they like it or not. ;)

This is not the reality of now. I'm not that proud, thank goodness. This is a goal. Oh, help, Lord. Help me get there.


1 comment:

Sky Destrian said...

Thanks for posting this, Sweeets. It was really encouraging. I needed to hear it. :)

Thank God that His love outdoes any other, and that His love is mine to share with others. What a beautiful thought! ♥
